Friday, 24 June 2016

Paper Panda's Guide to Papercutting! Pre-order information

I am so super excited about my new book!
It's packed full of exclusive templates from me and three other amazing papercutters.
It takes you through from the basics to cutting whole templates.

And it has a spiffing new cover, which looks so lovely, and better than this temporary cover!
(Which admittedly, does looks pretty cool anyway, but the new one is even better.)

This a preorder book, and the scheduled release date is Nov 2016, therefore books should be with you in Dec. Please note, this is slightly later than the original release date. Sadly this is unavoidable, the publishers have apologised and I'm sorry for the delay. At least you'll still get it for Christmas! And it's worth the wait, trust me ;) Click here to pre-order now!

Friday, 17 June 2016

NEW, NEW, and even more NEW!

So over the last few weeks we have had a fair few new product launches! New cards, new mirrors, new sketches, new original cuts. On top of these we have added some new amazing Guest Artists, our shop has never been so full of gorgeousness! We also have more new products waiting in the wings! Eep! Excited much!!

I think the Comfort Zones card is one of my favourites!

If you could pick one product you would like us to Panda-ize and to put in our shop, what would it be? You never know what the future holds!!

In other news, my mind is on a rampage haha lately I have mostly been pondering the following:

I want to do a live video but I fear that I will not look cute and kooky but rather like a bumbling sweary idiot. In a pinny. And my cat will pee on the camera, or constantly walk in front of it.
Why is a wireless mouse still called a mouse? It hasn't got a tail. It should be a mole or something.
What if fish really really want to blink and they can't? Poor fish.
I've gotten away with having both soft pillows now for two nights running. I wonder if I'll get away with it again tonight?
Cashmere slippers that are advertised as 'one size fits all' are big fat hairy liars.
It's always a good idea to pay £6.50 for next day delivery for a new bra. I didn't realise I'd been holding my breath for two months.
Why is the word 'abbreviate' so long and why hasn't ginger beer got any beer in it?

Friday, 10 June 2016

New Colouring Sheets!

Have you noticed our new colouring sheets?

Previously only available with our pen sets, these are now available individually.

There's six new ones to choose from!

Which is your favourite?

Friday, 3 June 2016

Looking for the positives!

I have had a bit of a poo few days, y'know those where pretty much everything is a bit wonky so looking for the positives...
There are now massive crumpets. Yeh, there's also crumpets thins, but nothing compares to a huge crumpet covered in real butter. You can even cheat and have two which really equates to four and then you can say "but I only had two crumpets" (we'll ignore that they're the size of a Frisbee).
I woke up from a dream that was a pretty bad one but when I woke up there were cats all over the bed. This is brilliant. Cats are great.
My boiler is broken. This on the whole sucks because even though it's June it's pretty cold but on the plus side the shower in the annex works so if I run fast enough through the garden I can get clean, even if it's at the expense of the neighbours seeing me naked.
It's June. It's cold. BUT you can still wear flip flops. No wasting vital seconds tying up shoelaces for me! Win.
I feel poorly...but not as poorly as yesterday thanks to the power of steroids. Sure, I have a face that can be mistaken for a frying pan, but hey, I feel better.
Because cake. Cake makes everything better. I even have a cake in the shape of a hedgehog and not many can say that, eh?
Elasticated trousers. How have I only just found the joys of pants that are comfortable? And if you wear a long top then nobody even knows! You can safely eaten aforementioned cake and your trews expand on command. Brilliant.

I've got up today and the plumbers are late so it's showering in the garden for me again, I've gone over my overdraft limit and the brakes on the car just failed and can't be fixed until next week so my dream of seeing the new Alice movie has been dashed.
So...positive time...I've food in the cupboard, I have a lovely family (that gladly survived the brakes failing earlier) and I may treat myself to a day off tomorrow!

Positives for you? This gorgeous new template
- and it's a fiver today as an intro price. (usual price a tenner) Hope you like it xx

It's the little things...