So this week...
I got tagged in a video of a panda. (Don't do it, it's sweet but there is only so many pandas this momma bear can take!).
Got told by Royal Mail that I can save lots of pennies each year and
get three extra hours worth of packing done per day by having my mail
collected at 7pm. Win!
Received the most wonderful happy mail AND flowers all in one day.
Drank FF Coke that I found in the back of the fridge (shhh don't tell my doctor).
Had 98 light bulbs in the house changed for energy saving ones.
Cut Princess & The Pea 2 out of paper. With my eyes closed.
No, not really.
Listened to a lady telling me she doesn't like cats and dogs whilst looking at Roy. She's mysteriously missing now.
Fed the sheep in my town. #township
Had curry soup for lunch.
Wore socks with robins on even though it's not Christmas. Lil' rebel.
Ignored my inboxes because there's too many.
Not only this lot but this happened too haha!
Infill the Princess and the Pea cut with vintage book pages to accidentally infill it with the word urine! *FACEPALM* Haha! Wonder if this makes it more or less desirable? hehe!!
Panda hugs and Panda snogs :D xx
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