Friday, 1 January 2016

Heading into 2016

So WOW, another year over! Again how fast has that last year gone? Nuts! We acheived so much this last year, and rode the rollercoaster of life to some amazing highs and some awful lows, but we have come through together and that is all that matters! But enough of thinking about the past, let's look ahead to the future :D Thinking about the year ahead,  I have to say I'm a little excited to see what it may have instore not just for me, but PP as a whole :) We're going to make 2016 bigger and better than ever, new ideas, new products and new giveaways! Eek! I really don't think I could be more excited!!! Can't wait to get started on PP's best year yet!!

I only made one New Years resolution this year and it is to stop using exclamation marks. (It is really REALLY hard) I have probably written this 4 times and still wrote about fifty haha, but this last blog doesn't count :P So seen as though mine already isn't going so well here are a few of the other members of PP's resolutions:
Vicky - 'Mine is the usual, try to be healthier! And get more tattoos!'
Julie - 'My only resolution is to stop resolving to lose weight year on year, and to embrace the extra fat and enjoy my curry.'
Emily - 'My plan is to save more money and move my ass more.'
Sonia - 'Mine would be to take the same care for myself as I do for my family, and take a course or two on Play Therapy so I can improve the quallity of my Lego based therapy group.'
Dan - 'Mine is to let go and relax more, worry less about the little things and to spend more time with my kids.'

So here I am going to finish with a huge thank you to each and every one of you! Thank you for the support through the tough times, your love through the good times and for being there for me and PP!! Wishing you all an incredible 2016! Let's see what it brings :D xxxx

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