7 years ago...
"Hmmm is that it, yes, that's it!", hitting 'publish page'...
Paper Panda was born November 29th, seven long years ago. I'd made a papercut and showed a photo to my friends on Facebook and they all exploded with glee thus giving me the impression that other people may also like to explode too and so PP was born.
Did I ever think I'd be sitting here now talking to a squillion billion people about my cat, my piles and thinking about various ingenious ways to blow up the tax man? No! No way! Did I think that my third book would drop down chimneys this Christmas? Nuh-huh! Did I wonder if I applied Germoline to my newly formed finger callous that it'd go away by the Christmas partaaay? Yes, yes I did. Stoopid, 34 year old Lou, it'll NEVER go away even if you bathe it in a vat of Germoline.
So, I'm 41 now. I still work at home. I am still surrounded by many many animals, real and fictional, and I still love what I do. I hope to carry on doing it for a good many years yet.
Go buy stuff to enable me to do so
Go buy stuff to enable me to do so

Happy Birthday to PP and all who sail in her...erm...no, that doesn't sound right at all!
Happy Birthday FBH, Bunny, Bird, Mouse, Squiggle, Badger, Olive and Ladybug...let us eat CAKE!
Happy Birthday FBH, Bunny, Bird, Mouse, Squiggle, Badger, Olive and Ladybug...let us eat CAKE!
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