So what are ACEOs?
ACEO is an acronym that stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals. You probably have also heard the ONLY rule is the size, which is 2.5 x 3.5 inches (6.4 x 8.9 cms)
Once you have your ACEO cards ready to go its all about putting anything you like on them :) For PP that has been some of Mr P's incredible art! They have been released in sets each month for most of 2015. They have proved to be one of PP's most popular product! (Shhhh don't tell him I said this but he is a little bit amazing)
More recently I have created some ACEOs of my own, featuring the woodland friends and some wonderful sayings and quotes. If you keep an eye on the Paper Panda facebook page they will be popping up quite regularly, AND if you like what you see, we are popping an ACEO in all orders that are posted from PPHQ :D so you get the chance to grab one of these ACEOs absolutely free.
Info about the new Woodland Friends aceos....
They will never be for sale in the PP shop.
There will always be one of two designs that go into every single order that we physically post (unless we're suddenly taken ill/printer dies/you all get sick of them) that comes from PPHQ (to clarify, that's paper, blades, magnets, cards, mirrors, knives, mats, kits, keyrings, books, frames... Most things - if you're unsure just ask admin).
No minimum order amount.
If it's forgotten then blame Nanny P for falling asleep at the desk again and ask for another extra in your next order.
The two designs will be changed for a fresh two every couple of weeks.
You won't be notified of the change.
You can sell, swop or keep them, it's up to you!
Once a design is gone then it's gone.
You'll see then pop up on the page first, unless I hate it then it'll be an aceo at some point.
They are all prints but are hand signed.
They only started going into every order from yesterday (6th).
Um, I hope you like them!
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