A lot of people say that they can't draw (you should give it a go! You'll be better than you think!) but still want to create something unique.
I thought that rather than the usual templates that we have, this one has lots of little elements that you can trace to make an individual papercut.
So in one you can have FBH with a massive cake, in another Bunny & Bird looking up at the moon with stars hanging from the clouds, y'know?
It'll take a bit longer as it's not all laid out and needs tracing but you will get satisfaction of putting together your own design.
And it's FBH. With cake.
*crosses fingers it works!* I'd love to see what you can make with it.

Check it out here.
I've also been playing with new framing techniques which means that the cream cuts floating over vintage book pages stand out a little more. Good huh?

This is one of the pieces that's going in the Paper Panda and Friends Exhibition at Obsidian Art Gallery in Bucks from November! Most of my time is focussed on pieces for the exhibition and finishing the book! Which you can pre order here.
Today, this is what I'm currently doing...

Blue bunny says "I don't care if your heart is singing, stop making me cut tiny letters. It gives me a headache."
*sits on blue bunny*
"Mmmfh mmmmfffph!!!"
*carries on cutting*
P xx
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