I am so super excited about my new book!
It's packed full of exclusive templates from me and three other amazing papercutters.
It takes you through from the basics to cutting whole templates.
And it has a spiffing new cover, which looks so lovely, and better than this temporary cover!
(Which admittedly, does looks pretty cool anyway, but the new one is even better.)

It's packed full of exclusive templates from me and three other amazing papercutters.
It takes you through from the basics to cutting whole templates.
And it has a spiffing new cover, which looks so lovely, and better than this temporary cover!
(Which admittedly, does looks pretty cool anyway, but the new one is even better.)

This a preorder book, and the scheduled release date is Nov 2016, therefore books should be with you in Dec. Please note, this is slightly later than the original release date. Sadly this is unavoidable, the publishers have apologised and I'm sorry for the delay. At least you'll still get it for Christmas! And it's worth the wait, trust me ;)
Click here to pre-order now!