Monday, 26 October 2015

And the winner is...


On Saturday we popped a giveaway up to win this here 'spooky' papercut, made with my own Panda paws.
Wowee! So many of you entered for the chance to own this spooktacular original, sadly there can only be one! Without further ado...
The winner is...*drumroll please* 

Lorraine Greaves


Please keep your eyes peeled for your postie tomorrow, Lorraine, as this original is winging it's way to special delivery as we speak! Huzzah!
A HUGE thank you to all of you that entered! If you didn't win this time, why not pop over and check out the template in the online store here.

P xx

Friday, 23 October 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... Papercutting!

So, I mustered up some Christmas spirit this week (bah, humbug, it's only October) and made up some templates for baubles! 
These will fit in those nifty clear balls that you can fill with things - glitter, snow, papercuts... or you can just frame them for your wall. 
Also, perfect personalised gifts for Aunt Joy and Uncle Noel ;)

There's also a huge bumper pack available with 12 sheets of designs for just £5 - and they all have commercial licences! Doesn't get much better than that, right? :)
These were originally available in the Craftseller magazine, but it's much easier just to print out a file, than scan a magazine!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Templates templates everywhere!

This week we have seen 2 of our most popular templates released, firstly was the Woodland Friends do Halloween template which you all went crazy for! It's a lovely little template, I love creating fun little scenes for our favourite characters to interact with :) From your lovely suggestions this template was born :)

"BOO! What do you think of my Halloween costume, Finn?" asked Bunny.
"WAHH!" replied FBH. "A spooky ghost!" He jumped so hard that his bucket of sweeties went flying everywhere. "Oh Bunny, I was so spooked I almost rolled up into a ball! And now my sweets are all over the floor." he sighed.
"Sorry Finn," replied Bunny, "I'll help you pick them up. Let's go Trick or Treating to get some more!"

The second and most popular template for a long while has been the new Surprise template for October :) There's no pictures at this time as we are hoping to keep this one a secret for as long as possible :) But it is a little special and by your reaction on of your favourites :) It was so popular we managed to break the internet! I don't have a Kim Kardashian Bum, but I have a Finn Biddybum and that's even better!

And here is everyone's favourite little cake muncher staring in awe at his cake mountain! :) This colouring sheet is a dual use one, as some of you have cut this little beauty! All those lines :O But oh so fun!!

All these templates are available now on our website :)

Friday, 9 October 2015

Papercut of the week!

Are you a member of our lovely (not so) little cutting community group on Facebook? 

We have a little over 11 thousand members now! Amazing! 

It's a great place to share your papercutting & paper crafts, but it's also a nice place for advice and questions! We have a nice mix of posts from papercuts, templates and questions - to stories, sharing and pictures of cake! Hooray! ;) 

Each week we also choose a papercut of the week, the winner receives a voucher for our online store. Plenty of reason to get sharing your lovely work! 

You can find our group here -


Here's a few of our past winners! 

Hope to see you there soon! Congrats to all the winners so far! Will you be the next Papercut of the week? We'll have to see next Friday, eh? ;)


Friday, 2 October 2015

Hello October!

Wow can you believe it's October already?! Seems like the year has flown by!

It's been a busy time a PP HQ - just look at all this post! Is one of these winging it's way to you this week?! Time to stalk that postie! ;) 

Thank you so much for all of your orders, your little notes are great and we read every one! We especially like the jokes!

 The other day Mr P was singing the orders as he went along..

'Oooh Irene McDonald had a faaarm and a 21 pack of poster paaaaper'...

It went on like this for a while, I think delirium may have set in, send cake! :P 

Here's a few random behind scenes snaps this week!

Yes that is Nanny P and Yes she did make that clipboard herself! ;)

 Plus just look at the size of buddy's feet! Maybe he's part rabbit!?

Anyway, the best news of the week?
We are off to Amsterdam for a few days of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
See you on Monday! Nanny P, Sonia & Julie will be packing your orders so say hello to them in your notes :) Cheerio!! P Xxx