It's getting closer day by day and soon it'll all be over. No more running around, no more last minute making or post runs or running out of sticky tape/mince pies/lemonade.
This year has been different for me compared to the others. It might be my age but I'm seeing more stress, panic, upset and falling outs in the run up to Christmas. People's emotions are running high and with the aim of perfection I'm not surprised that you can almost see the stress pouring out of chimneys countrywide.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
If you didn't manage to get THAT present. If you only have the crappy wrapping paper left and you wanted to make their gift 'the special one', if you didn't send out your cards on time, if you haven't learned how to cook to perfect roasties, oh no, we forgot the batteries! doesn't really matter. None of it does. This time next week it'll all be over. We'll all be a little fatter, our cupboards will be fuller and the charity shops will be richer as we trundle our wheelbarrows along with Great Aunt Mildred's latest life sized knitted clown, filling it to the brim in the hopes the Cats Protection will be able to make a quid from it and that you won't have to find somewhere to put it.
(Great Aunt Mildred almost had a heart attack trying to make it on time, mind....)
What does matter?
Time off. Winding down. Watching Christmas films with the family. Not spending so much money that you won't be able to eat until March. Ringing and visiting people who are having a worse Christmas than you. Being kinder, saying hello to your neighbours, taking donations to the local shelters or maybe even walking the dogs there. Taking time to reflect, to recharge, to reconnect. Having one too many and going on a rambling conversation until 3am by the lights of the tree. Writing letters to people. Spreading holly over the mantle.
Loving each other?
Yes, loving each other. You don't need money or batteries for that.
I'm way behind on my orders, my wrapping, my housework ready for 'the big day' but you know what? I'm off to watch 'It's a Wonderful Life', because it IS, and you only get one.
Lou xx